Thursday, April 22, 2010

Samsons first day out!

Today was Samsons first day visiting the clients at the mentally challenged campus. He had a great time, he was super excited to meet everyone. His nub was wiggling the whole time! I would say he met about 20 people, maybe more. One of the guys there, we'll call him J, liked Samson a lot! He sat with him the whole time. Samson was taking all the belly rubs he could get, and he sat on everyone who came to visit! Boxers sure do love to sit in your lap, don't they? He was such a good boy when they would walk him around the gym, walking nice and calm in a heel.

When we were getting ready to leave, and a man in a wheelchair came in and Samson went right up to him as if the wheelchair wasn't even there. When he was a puppy, he was very fearful of thing like wheelchairs and walkers. Agility training has really helped him overcome his fears! One of the girls was scared he was going to bite her because he is a dark colored dog. I told her he was a very nice boy and he wanted to sniff her hand. So one of the staff members said they would hold her hand and Samson could sniff both their hands. Well, he sniffed, gave them a couple licks, then came the butt wiggles and kidney bean dance. She petted him a little, but was still a little nervous, so she left. He was a big hit today, and we are both looking forward to our next visit.

Samson is exhausted, happily sleeping on the couch! Tomorrow we go visit the Hospital.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you guys had such a great day! Samson you are such a good boy. I'm sure he will be able to help that girl start working through her fears. Such a big accomplishment for him to have worked through some of his own too! Brutus always likes to sit on everybody too.

    Just one little question tho. Did you check with Jason to make sure he didn't mind you posting his photo? I'm sure you probably did, but I just had to ask. You might also want to ask a campus staff member if Jason is unable to answer you. I don't know the rules where you are at but my company had very strict rules about people using photo's of the residents, especially on line, to protect their privacy/confidentiality.

    Have fun at the hospital tomorrow, I can't wait to hear how it goes!
