Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fresh meat!

Today was my first experience with the therapy dog group at the mentally challenged campus. Samson stayed home this round because his vest is not done, and I wanted to see if this is something he would like. I defiantly think he would like working there! Its high energy and the patients are so sweet and nice.

The first half hour we hung out with the men. One guy in particular was just a total sweetheart. He loved walking the standard poodle around the gym. He kept asking me to bring pictures of Samson for him to keep, how sweet is that?!

The last half hour was with the women. They came rushing over to me to ask me 100 questions! I was fresh meat and their new best friend! They really didn't pay much attention to the dogs, they just kept asking me question after question, and asking for hugs. They also kept asking me for pictures! I am going to print a bunch of wallet size pictures out for them. Hopefully I can bring my camera to take pictures of them and Samson.

I really enjoyed working with them. Maybe I'll find my calling in life doing this program?! I cannot wait till I can take Samson!


  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I'm sure samson will be fantastic when it is his turn and they will love him! Working with people who have developmental disabilities is my calling in life as you put it. I stumbled into it because the ad in the classifieds offered benefits and payed more then the crappy part time job I already had at the time. I thought, "what the hell, I'll give it a shot." It turned out to be something I absolutely loved and ended up being damn good at. I'm excited for you to get to know and enjoy the people at your local program if/when you guys end up going more. The more people we have in this world that understand and respect people with DD the better off we will all be! If you have any questions at all feel free to ask me! *stepping off soapbox now* =)

  2. Thats awesome, Lexi! I had no idea you worked with DD people. I will defiantly be picking your brain, soon!
