Monday, August 30, 2010

Is that a toy?!

Our visit the the mentally challenged campus last Thursday was comical. One of the female patients was wearing these flip-flops with a HUGE fake flower on them, Samson being the goofy Boxer he is thought they were toy! When he first saw them he stopped dead in this tracks and was staring long and hard, the patient started walking around and Samson went nuts. Whining and wooing, trying to swat and Boxer pounce them. Of course, everybody thought it was hilarious, which it was. The patient had to take them off because he wouldn't leave them alone! Even with his long walk and mental stimulation before the visit, he forgot his manners. But, dogs will be dogs! Guess I need to invest in these flip-flops and use them as a distraction tool.

I brought the patients new pictures of him, which they always love! Every visit they ask me for new pictures.

Unfortunately, because of school, our visits to the campus will be once a month, instead of twice a month :( and we had to drop our twice monthly hospital visits and will only be doing subs for people.