Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A little late on this one

Last Wednesday(5/5/2010) Samson and I went to do Therapy work at the hospital. We got to do that visit with a very sweet 12yr old Golden. She is getting ready to retire from the hospital this summer, its getting to be too much walking for her. Our visit was short because there wasn't very many people admitted(which was a good thing, according to the nurses). Pediatrics is seems to be Samsons favorite stop. We got to visit with three children who were very sick and crying in bed. It's so sweet when they instantly stop when the dogs come in and their faces just light up with joy. One little girl gave the dogs a hug goodbye and thanked them for coming to see her.

Our next stop was the ICU(intensive care unit). There was a elderly man who had been at the hospital for quite sometime and he was very sad he had to leave his dogs at home. He was just fascinated with Samson coat color and how mellow he was. We visited with him for awhile and listened to him talk about his dogs and how he can't wait to get home to them. I hope he gets home to them soon, I could not imagine leaving Samson for that long!

Tomorrow we visit the mental health campus! Defiantly my favorite place for Samson because its a high energy environment. I promised the patients I would print pictures for them, better get on that before I forget!

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